Japanese phrases

Four important tips to converse in Japanese

Point 1Use short sentences

It could quickly become confusing when trying to construct a long sentence. Focus on constructing short sentences and connect them using linking words (therefore, however…). List of linking words

Point 2Learn question words

Conversations naturally involve asking and answering questions. If you know question words, you can ask questions correctly and also understand what is being asked. List of question words

Point 3Memorize common expressions

When having a conversation, we naturally use a lot of short expressions like "Really ?" "Sure !" "Probably…" "Amazing !" as fillers. If you don't know these expressions, it is difficult to join a conversation even if you understand what others are saying. If you know how to use these expressions, you can be a part of the conversation even if you don't know how to construct a sentence. List of useful short phrases

Point 4Listen to native speakers' conversations frequently

It is very important to listen to native Japanese speakers' speak with the correct pronunciation and natural intonation. If you repeatedly listen to their conversations, you will begin to naturally imitate their pronunciation and the sentence structure without even thinking !

Basic Japanese sentence models

Here are 20 sentence models. Replace words to make your own sentences !
Click on + mark to see examples.
Subjects of Japanese sentences are sometimes omitted. Click here for more.


I am Japanese.

ぎんこう やすみでした

The bank was closed.

この くるま わたし ではありません

This car is not mine.

レストラン いきませんか     

Would you like to go to a restaurant ?

まど あけませんか     

Would you like to open the window ?

テニス ませんか     

Would you like to play tennis ?


Let's eat !


Let's meet tomorrow !

これ かいましょう

Let's buy this one !

まど あけましょうか

Shall I open the window ?


May I help you ?

にもつ もちましょうか

Shall I carry your baggage ?.

The verb comes at the end of the sentence in Japanese. Additional information (what, when, where, who...etc.) are placed between the subject and the verb. Click here for more.

わたし アニメ ます。

I watch cartoons.

きのうマンガ よみました

I read a comic book yesterday.

でんしゃ おおさか いきました

I went to Osaka by train.

The verb あります(ari-masu) means "to exist" or "to be present", but they can also be used for "to have/to own". It is used in a question form to ask "Do you have ~?" or "Is there ~?"

パンフレット ありますか

Do you have brochures ?

トイレ ありますか

Is there a toilet ?

ちゅうしゃじょう ありますか

Is there a parking space ?

The verb います(i-masu) and あります(ari-masu) indicate "to exist" or "to be present", but they can also be used for "to have/to own". Use います(i-masu) for living organisms and あります(ari-masu) for plants and non-living things.

さいきんじかん ありません

I don't have time lately.

わたし いもうと  います

I have a younger sister.

あなた こども います

Do you have children ?

The verb います(i-masu) and あります(ari-masu) mean "to exist" or "to be present". They are usually translated as "there is (are) …". Use います(i-masu) for living organisms and あります(ari-masu) for plants and non-living things.

にわ いぬ います

There is a dog in the yard.

つくえうえ ほん ありました

There was a book on the desk.

ちゅうしゃじょう くるま あります

There is a car in the parking lot.

The verb います(i-masu) and あります(ari-masu) mean "to exist" or "to be present". They are usually translated as "there is (are) …". Use います(i-masu) for living organisms and あります(ari-masu) for plants and non-living things.

ボブ へや います

Bob is in the room.

トイレ  あそこ  あります

The toilet is over there.

ぎんこう スーパー の まえ あります

The bank is in front of the supermarket.

すき(suki) is a "な(na) adjective" that means "to like". Use the particle が(ga) instead of を(o) to indicate the object (the thing that you like). Click here for more.

ちち ビール すきです

My dad likes beer.

さかな と  やさい すきです

I like fish and vegetables.

むすこ テレビゲーム すきです

My son likes TV games.

できます(deki-masu) is a verb that means "can do" or "have an ability to do". Use the particle が(ga) instead of を(o) to indicate the object (what the subject can do). Click here for more.

ちち りょうり できます

My dad can cook.

にほんご できます

Can you speak Japanese ?

 11じ  チェックイン できます

Is it possible to check-in at 11:00 ?

わかります(wakari-masu) is a verb that means "understand". Use the particle が(ga) instead of を(o) to indicate the object (what the subject understands). Click here for more.

ジョン にほんご わかります

Does John understand Japanese ?

いみ わかりません

I don't understand the meaning.

しつもん わかりました

Did you understand the question ?

じょうず(jōzu) is a な(na) adjective that means "being good at" or "being able to do something well". Use the particle が(ga) instead of を(o) to indicate the object (what the subject is good at). Click here for more.

あね     ピアノ じょうずです

My older sister plays piano well.

えいご じょうずですね。 

You speak English well, you know.

おっと うんてん じょうずです

My husband drives well.

たい(tai) means "would like to" or "want to" (same in Japanese !) and it conjugates exactly like い(i) adjective. Add たい です(tai desu) to the verb instead of ます(masu) to say "would like to verb". Use the particle が(ga) instead of を(o) to indicate the object (what the subject wants to do). Click here for more.

しゅうまつ ゴルフ たいです

I would like to play golf on the weekend.

はやく かえりたいです

I would like to go home soon.


I don't want to go.

ほしい(hoshii) is an い(i) adjective that means "would like to have" or "want to have" (same in Japanese !). Use the particle が(ga) instead of を(o), to indicate the object (what the subject would like to have). Click here for more.

わたし あたらしい くるま ほしいです

I would like to have a new car.

もっと じかん ほしいです

I would like to have more time.

あかちゃん ほしいです

I would like to have a baby.

やさい  と  くだもの かいました

I bought vegetables and fruits.

ロック ポップ すきです

I like rock and pop music.

さいふ かぎ あります

There is a purse and a key.

やさい  や  くだもの (など) かいました

I bought vegetables and fruits, etc.

ロック ポップ (など) すきです

I like rock and pop music, etc.

さいふ かぎ (など) あります

There is a purse and a key, etc.

おみず ください

Give me water please.

かみ ペン ください

Give me a paper and a pen please.

すし てんぷら ください

I would like sushi and tempura.


It's beautiful but expensive.


I don't like vegetables, but I eat them.


Mary is not going, but I am.

から(kara) indicates that the preceding sentence is the reason. In Japanese sentences, the reason is placed at the beginning of the sentence and the conclusion in the second part of the sentence. Click here for more.

たかいですからかいません    I don't buy it because it is expensive.


I study Japanese because I'm going to Japan.


Since the weather is nice, let's go out !

Question sentence models

Followings are 20 question sentence models using question words.
Replace words to make your own sentences !

これ なんですか

What is this ?

あなたなまえ なんですか

What is your name ?

 なんじ ですか

What time is it ?

 なんじ  かえりますか

What time do you come back ?

Question words "nan" and "nani" both means "what ?". If followed by a word that begins with T, D, or N, use "nan". Otherwise, use "nani".
(!) If you are asking about numbers or quantity, use "nan" even though the following word starts with T, D or N. Click here for more.

なに のみますか

What do you drink ?

なん かきますか

What do you use to write ?

かのじょ なに すきですか

What does she like ?

トイレ どこ ですか

Where is the toilet ?

あなたうち どこ ですか

Where is your home ?

どこ ならいましたか

Where did you learn ?

ケイト どこ いきますか

Where is Kate going ?

あのひと だれ ですか

Who is that person ?

あなたせんせい だれ ですか

Who is your teacher ?

だれ きましたか

Who came ?

だれ はなしますか

Who will talk ?

たんじょうび いつ ですか

When is your birthday ?

しけん いつ ですか

When is the exam ?

いつ かいましたか

When did you buy it ?

マイク いつ にほん いきますか

When is Mike going to Japan ?

あなたペン  どれ  ですか

Which one is your pen ?

ジョーくるま  どれ  ですか

Which one is Joe's car ?

どの パン おいしいですか

Which bread is good ?

どの ひと すずきさんですか

Which person is Mr. Suzuki ?

これ いくら ですか

How much does it cost ?

このカメラ いくら ですか

How much does this camera cost ?

てんき どう でしたか

How was the weather ?

しごと どう ですか

How is your job ?

あなた どう おもいますか

What do you think ?

かんじ どう かきますか

How do you write it in kanji ?

どうやって くうこうまで いきますか

How do you get to the airport ?

どうやって おこさん ひらがな おぼえましたか

How did your kids learn hiragana ?

  どんな  ひと ですか

What kind of person is he ?

  どんな  りょうり すきですか

What kind of dish do you like ?


Why is that ?


Why didn't you come?


Why are you busy ?

どうして ジェーン にほんご ならいますか

Why does Jane learn Japanese ?


Because it is raining.


Because I am going to Japan.


How long does it take ?

どのぐらい サム ワイン のみましたか

How much wine did Sam drink ?

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