
Are you sure that you use them correctly? これ、それ、あれ

こ そ あ words 

"こそあ" words (Ko So A words) are some of the first words that you learn when you start learning Japanese.

These words begin with こ or そ or あ according to the subject's distance from the speaker.

これ (kore):this

それ (sore):that

あれ (are):that one over there

ここ (koko):here

そこ (soko):there

あそこ (asoko):over there

この (kono)+noun : This + noun (eg., this car)

その (sono)+noun : That + noun (eg., that car)

あの (ano)+noun : That + noun, over there (eg., that car, over there) 

Which words go with the following sentences? 

While you may not make a mistake when you talk about visible things, taking about someone/something who isn't there, you may make a mistake !

Which words go with the following sentences?

Conversation 1

X : さいきん、じょうしが かわりました。Saikin, jōshi ga kawari-mashita.

Recently, my boss has changed.

Y : へえ。(その or あの)ひとは、いいひとですか。Hee, (Sono / Ano) hito wa iihito desu ka?

I see. Is that person a nice person?

Conversation 2

X : きのう「とうきょうダイニング」というレストランに いきました。Kinō, "Tokyo dainingu" to iu resutoran ni iki-mashita.

I went to a restaurant called "Tokyo Dining" yesterday.

Y : ああ、しってますよ!(そこ or あそこ)はインテリアがステキですよね.. 

Aa, shitte masu yo! (Soko / Asoko) wa interia ga suteki desu yo ne...

Oh, I know it! The interior of that place is lovely ... 

あれ (are) or それ (sore)?? 

When talking about someone/something who is not present, learners tend to use あwords (are、asoko、ano+noun) to mean "that" because it is "far" from the speaker.

However, it is not always correct to use "あ" words. Actually, there are various rules :

そwords(sore、soko、sono+noun)are used when:

Referring to people or thing that you don't know (have never met) but the person(s) you are talking to know.

あwords (are、asoko、ano+noun)are used when:

Referring to people or things that both you and the person(s) you are talking to know (have already met).

あwords are used for what you can imagine in your mind or what you have in your memory.

How about the « conversation 1" ?

Mr. X has already met his new boss. But, Mr. Y has never met X's boss. That is why the correct choice for this sentence is その (sono). Even if Mr. X's new boss was "far away" from those two people, you can't use あの (ano).

How about the "conversation 2" ?

Both Mr. X and Mr. Y have been to a restaurant called "Tokyo Dining". Therefore, the correct choice is あそこ (asoko). 

Others examples 

 What about next sentences?

Conversation 3

X : きのう、はじめてエスカルゴをたべたよ。Kinō, hajimete esukarugo o tabeta yo.

I ate escargot for the first time yesterday.

Y : (それ or あれ)、おいしい? (Sore / Are), oishii ?

Is it delicious?

Conversation 4

X : いつもマルヤスーパーでかいものするよ。Itsumo Maruya sūpā de kaimono suru yo.

I always shop at Maruya supermarket.

Y : そうそう、(その/あの)スーパーは安いよね。Sōsō, (sono / ano) sūpā wa yasui yo ne.

Yeah, that supermarket is cheap, huh?


(その/あの)人、元気かなあ...  (Sono / Ano) hito, genki ka naa...

I wonder if that person is doing well...

The answers are as follows.

Conversation 3

それ、おいしい? Sore, oishii ?  (Because Mr. Y has never eaten escargot)

Is it delicious? 

Conversation 4

そうそう、あのスーパーはやすいよね。 Sōsō, ano sūpā wa yasui yo ne.  (Because Mr. Y has also been to Maruya Supermarket)

Yeah, that supermarket is cheap, huh?


あのひと、げんきかなあ。 Ano hito, genki ka naa... (Because he has an image of the person in his memory)

I wonder if that person is doing well... ? 

"こそあ"words are very basic words, and many people use them without knowing that they are using them incorrectly. Let's use them correctly from now on!





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