
What do Japanese mean by ‘cat’s forehead’ ??

This cute expression ねこのひたい (neko no hitai) is commonly used in Japan.
ねこ (neko) means « cat », ひたい (hitai) means « forehead ». Joining these two words together is the particle のwhich is similar to 'of' in English.

First of all, where is a cat's forehead exactly?? And how big? Can you guess the answer from this question?...

As you may have guessed, the answer is ① A tiny space!

If you think about it, cats have almost no place that can be called a forehead between the muzzle and the top of the head !

You can use this expression like this :

😀あなたのにわは  おおきいですか。 (Anata no niwa wa  ookii desu ka)  
 Is your garden is large ?

😆いいえ!ねこのひたいみたいなにわです。(Iie ! Neko no hitai mitaina niwa desu)  
 No ! It's a small garden like a cat's forehead.

This expression is often used with the word みたいな « mitaina » which describe a comparison. にわ (niwa) means "garden" and おおきい (ookii) means "big" or "large". 

When you want to talk in a casual way, you can remove です(desu) from the sentences. Doing this, you just turn the sentences into a casual style. It does not change the meanings.

😀あなたのにわは  おおきい? (Anata no niwa wa ookii ?)  
  Is your garden is large ?
😆ううん!ねこのひたいみたいなにわ!  (Uun ! Neko no hitai mitaina niwa !)  
  No ! It's a small garden like a cat's forehead.

What tiny space do you have that you can compare to a cat's forehead? 

Why not use this cute expression in a conversation! ❤️





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